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Why did Pan Tao go to CCTV (CCTV broadcasts a live broadcast of 主持人's list)

日期:2023-10-05 02:40

Why does Pan Tao go to CCTV? CCTV broadcasts a live broadcast of 主持人's list?

邢质斌, Luo Jing, 崔永元, 李修平, Wang Zhi, Shen Bing, 水均益, Hai Xia, Zhang Quanling, Li Ruiying, Zhang Hongmin, Bai Yansong, Zhu Guangquan, Li Xiaomeng, Wang Ning, Lang Yongchun, Aqiu, Kang Hui, Li Zimeng, Yang Chen , He Hongmei, Guo Zhijian, Zheng Tianliang, Cui Zhigang, Bao Xiaofeng, Zhai Shujie, Dong Qian, Jing Bei, Liang Yan, Zhang Weiqiu, Fang Jing, Xu Wumei, Zheng Li, Li Zhongmin, Zhang Lu, Zhang Heng, Zhang Yu, Zhang Lei, Geng Sa, Mulinshan, Li Wenjing, Yan Qian, Nathan, Peng Kun, Jing Yidan, Zhang Yue, Zhang Yue, Chai Jing, Lu Yiming, Chen Zhifeng, Yan Zeyu, Huang Wei, Tang Jian, Wang Wenhua, Xiao Xiaolin, Zhang Li, Li Sisi, 尼格买提, Sa Beining, Zhu Xun, etc.

Who are the Sichuan nationalities of 节目主持人 on CCTV?

Sichuan 主持人 and Zhang Tao made their first appearance in the Spring Festival Gala

I believe that before the Spring Festival Gala starts every year, everyone will look forward to 主持人’s lineup. Are there any of our "old acquaintances" in 主持人? Will there be new faces appearing?

The reporter noticed that among the 主持人s exposed in the 2021 CCTV Spring Festival Gala, there are already familiar Ren Luyu, Li Sisi, and "Xiao Ni" 尼格买提. Sure enough, there are also brand-new faces, with the addition of two new 主持人s born in the 1980s: Long Yang , Zhang Tao.

And among the two new 主持人s, the handsome little brother Zhang Tao is our Sichuan fellow! It is reported that Zhang Tao is from Anyue County, Ziyang City. He is a master's student at Communication University of China. He has studied both internally and externally and has excellent abilities. After working at Chongqing Satellite TV for seven years, Zhang Tao entered the CCTV Chinese International Channel as 《中国新闻》主持人 in September 2017. He is currently serving as the 《新闻直播间》主持人 on the News Channel. Counting it all, it only took Zhang Tao less than three and a half years from joining CCTV to becoming 主持人 in the Spring Festival Gala. So, do you have to give a thumbs up to our Sichuan fellow 主持人? On New Year’s Eve, you must watch Sichuan fellow Zhang Tao’s Spring Festival Gala debut!

CCTV 24-hour 主持人 list?

《24小时》The current resident 主持人 anchors include female anchors Chai Lu, Wang Chunxiao, Zou Yun, and Zheng Zike, while the male anchors include Wang Yan, Zhang Tao, Huang Feng, Zhang Zhonglu, Yao Yibin, Miao Kai, Shang Liang, and Sha Chen , it can be said that the male anchors of the program 《24小时》 have more female anchors.

Which program with 主持人 makes you particularly intolerable?


Unlike 《快乐大本营》, which focuses on games and interaction, 《天天向上》 focuses on conversation, and obviously for a long time, the redundant host lineup of six people made me completely block this show.







郭德纲是个有文化的流氓,总是讲别人老婆和他上床,别人儿子其实是他儿子的道德笑话。这是因为电视台有播出限制,否则他肯定会说出更离谱的话。 。







我特别喜欢看,还有央视4台和海峡两岸的主持人李红。 20多年来我每天都在看它。那时我才三十多岁,现在已经看了二十多年了。主持人说,到现在为止,我特别喜欢主持人在这些电视节目中的表现。他带着微笑,让每个人越看越爱上他们。
