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日期:2023-10-05 18:45






In February of the 16th year of Yongping (73 years), the Han army attacked in four directions: Dou Gu and Geng Zhong led 12,000 soldiers from Jiuquan, Dunhuang, Zhangye and Lu Shuiqiang soldiers to ride out of Jiuquan (the county was governed by Lufu, Today's Jiuquan City, Gansu Province) fortress; Geng Bing and Qin Peng led Wuwei, Longxi, Tianshui soldiers and Qiang soldiers ten thousand horses out of Juyan (today's east of Ejin Banner, Inner Mongolia) fortress; Taipu sacrificed to Xi, and Du Liao general Wu Tang led Hebei Province 11,000 Xihe Qiang soldiers and Nandan Yu soldiers rode out of Gaoque (now Jilan Pass in the middle of Langshan Mountain, Inner Mongolia); the cavalry captain came to Miao, and the Wuhuan captain Wenmu led Taiyuan, Yanmen, Daijun, and Shanggu Yuyang, Pingdingxiang County soldiers from Youbei, and Wuhuan and Xianbei soldiers with 11,000 horses rode out of Pingcheng (now northeast of Datong City, Shanxi Province).

Dou Gu and Geng Zhong led their troops from Jiuquan to Tianshan (now Tianshan, Xinjiang), defeated King Huyan of the Northern Huns, beheaded more than a thousand people, and pursued them to Puleihai (now Barkol Lake, Xinjiang), leaving officials and scholars in the camp. Yiwulu City (now the fourth fort northwest of Hami, Xinjiang), and used Ban Chao as a fake Sima to send envoys to the Western Regions to recruit countries in the Western Regions to surrender. Geng Bing and Qin Peng entered the desert for more than 600 miles to Sanmulou Mountain. Lai Miao and Wenmu reached the Xiongnu River, but the Xiongnu were defeated and lost nothing. Because he did not go to Zhuoxie Mountain to worship Xu and Wu Tang, he was demoted to a commoner. Of the four armies, Dou was the only one who was commended.

In November of the 17th year of the 16th year of Yongping (74 years), Dou Gu, Prince Consort Geng Bing, and Cavalry Commander Liu Zhang led 14,000 horses out of Yumen Pass (now Xiaofangpan, northwest of Dunhuang City, Gansu Province). City) marched into the Western Regions, and after defeating the Baishan Tribe at Puleihai, they turned their troops to attack the chariot divisions who were attached to the Northern Xiongnu (Yizuogushi, the name of the country in the Western Regions, Dujiaohe City, located in the ancient city of Jiaohe, 10 miles northwest of Turpan, Xinjiang, west of Yaerhu Village) ). The charioteer Wang Jiang. The Eastern Han Dynasty established the Protectorate of the Western Regions and the commanders of Wu, Jixiao, and Yihe to work in the fields, and gradually restored control of the Western Regions.

Dou Gu stayed at the border for several years, and the Qiang people obeyed his kindness.

After Emperor Zhang ascended the throne, he gave the princess the title of eldest princess and increased the number of 3,000 households in the city; he called Dou Gu to replace Wei Ying as Dahonglu. Because Suzong was familiar with side affairs, he always sought Dou Gu's advice on every major matter.

In the third year of Jianchu (78), Emperor Zhang tracked down Dou Guqian and added 1,300 households to the city. In the seventh year of Jianchu (82 years), Dou Gu replaced Ma Fang (son of Ma Yuan) as Guang Luxun. The following year, he replaced Ma Fang as a guard.

In the second year of Zhanghe (88 years), Dou Gu died and was given the posthumous title of Marquis Wen. His son Dou Biao, who rose to the rank of Shesheng Xiaowei, died before Dou Gu.
