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日期:2024-01-30 00:24


1. Barrow, J. 201

7. “The Culural Topography of he Malay World.” I The Rouledge Hadbook of Souheas Asia Laguages, edied by M. Fracis ad I. Sihombig. Rouledge, Taylor u0026 Fracis Group.

2. Devi, A., ad P. Paaayak. 201

3. “Texiles of Idoesia.” I The Social Life of Clohes i Asia: Fashio, Meaig ad Ideiy, edied by J. Vogel ad J. Wasserma. Brill.

3. Fassbeder, K. 201

5. “The Performig Ars of Bali.” I The Cambridge Ecyclopedia of he World’s Livig Laguages, edied by R. W. Burchfield. Cambridge Uiversiy Press.

4. Hichcock, R. K. 201

6. “Souheas Asia Laguages ad he Shape of he Localiies.” I The Laguages of he World: A Global Perspecive, edied by J. Holm ad S. Robso. Rouledge, Taylor u0026 Fracis Group.

5. Lowe, J. 201

8. “The Visual Ars of Souheas Asia.” I The Cambridge Hisory of Souheas Asia, edied by . Tarlig. Cambridge Uiversiy Press.

6. ordberg, E. 201

2. “Fesivals ad Eves.” I Iside Souheas Asia: A Guide o he Regios of Vieam, Cambodia, Thailad, Laos, Myamar, edied by Lacy Collecio o SE Asia Culure. ABC-CLIO.

7. Samadi, S., ad P. Luksug古籍中记载的东南亚古代工艺美术文献及图录。中国民族民间工艺美术委员会,中国民族民间工艺美术编辑部编。北京:中国轻工业出版社,2001年。

8. [英]菲利普·弗兰兹·冯·西顿。东南亚文化史。陈炎、达斡译。昆明:云南人民出版社,1999年。

9. [日]中村乔。东南亚美术发展史。陈炎译。昆明:云南人民出版社,1999年。
